A Milestone in Peacebuilding: AFSPA Revocation, Troop Withdrawal, and the Road to Normalcy in Jammu and Kashmir

Iqbal Ahmad
Iqbal Ahmad

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In August 2019, India made a historic decision by revoking Article 370, thereby ending the special status accorded to Jammu and Kashmir. This monumental move aimed to integrate the region more closely with the rest of India and address longstanding challenges related to governance, security, and development. Now, over two years later, the government’s announcement to consider revoking the Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act (AFSPA) from Jammu and Kashmir, coupled with plans to withdraw security forces, signifies a significant step towards normalizing the security landscape and fostering lasting peace in the region.

Since the revocation of Article 370, Jammu and Kashmir has witnessed notable progress towards stability and normalcy. The region has experienced a decline in incidents of violence, and security forces have reported zero new recruitment in terror organizations. This positive trend reflects the success of the government’s efforts to address the root causes of instability and extremism in the region. By dismantling the legal framework of Article 370, the government aimed to remove barriers to development and governance, promote inclusivity, and create opportunities for socio-economic growth for the people of Jammu and Kashmir.

The decision to consider revoking AFSPA represents a significant milestone in the government’s efforts to restore civilian governance and promote human rights in Jammu and Kashmir. AFSPA, a controversial law enacted in 1958, grants special powers to the armed forces operating in areas deemed disturbed. While intended to maintain law and order in conflict-affected regions, AFSPA has faced criticism for its potential for abuse and violation of human rights. The government’s willingness to reconsider AFSPA underscores its commitment to upholding democratic values, respecting human rights, and promoting a civilian-led approach to governance and security.

Moreover, the announcement of plans to withdraw security forces from Jammu and Kashmir reflects a growing confidence in the ability of local law enforcement agencies, particularly the Jammu and Kashmir Police, to maintain peace and order in the region. This shift towards greater reliance on local police forces aligns with the government’s broader strategy of empowering local institutions and fostering community ownership of security initiatives. By gradually withdrawing security forces and entrusting law enforcement responsibilities to the Jammu and Kashmir Police, the government aims to build trust and cooperation between the authorities and the local population, thereby laying the foundation for sustainable peace and stability.

The roadmap for troop withdrawal, to be initiated after the upcoming elections, underscores the government’s commitment to a strategic and responsible approach towards security transition in Jammu and Kashmir. By aligning the withdrawal process with democratic processes, the government ensures that the transition is gradual, orderly, and inclusive. This approach not only respects the aspirations of the people of Jammu and Kashmir but also mitigates the risk of destabilization and ensures continuity in governance and security arrangements during the transition period.

Furthermore, the government’s emphasis on strengthening the Jammu and Kashmir Police highlights the success of efforts to build local capacity and resilience in the face of security challenges. The police force has emerged as a frontline actor in combating terrorism, maintaining law and order, and upholding the rule of law in the region. Through targeted capacity-building initiatives, enhanced training programs, and improved infrastructure, the government has empowered the Jammu and Kashmir Police to effectively address security threats and respond to emerging challenges.

In conclusion, the combination of AFSPA revocation, troop withdrawal, and the normalization of the security situation in Jammu and Kashmir represents a significant milestone in the peacebuilding process. By addressing longstanding grievances, empowering local institutions, and promoting inclusive governance, the government is laying the groundwork for a more peaceful, prosperous, and resilient Jammu and Kashmir. As the region embarks on a new chapter of development and progress, it is essential to remain committed to dialogue, reconciliation, and cooperation to ensure that the dividends of peace are enjoyed by all its inhabitants.