Balanced Diet Key to Orthopedic Health: Dr. Gagan Deep Gupta, a world-famous Orthopedician

BB Desk
BB Desk

Dr. Gagan Deep Gupta is a world-known orthopedician from the prestigious Fortis Hospital, an orthopedician who has experience assisting with over 2500+ knee replacement surgeries. Dr. Gagan has performed over 700-Plus SLPL knee replacement surgeries.
In an exclusive interview with Buzzbytes, he talks to Rameez Makhdoomi.

Q: Tell us a bit about knee replacement paradigms.
The knee problem is quite common these days when a human has to go through a lot of ups and downs. In Kashmir, too, knee problems are quite common.
Osteoarthritis is also widespread, here in Kashmir too. When, after medicine and physiotherapy, things don’t get better, especially after the age of 60, we suggest knee replacement.
Q: Are there any risks?
No, there are no risks involved at all. We take due care if some contingency we fear.
Q: Any bed rest?
Usually, a patient recovers soon, takes the first steps with the help of a walker after 48 hours, walks fully after a week with some support, and, in due time, he is fully fit.

Is the surgery economically affordable for all?
The surgery I would not say economically affordable for one and all. But, yes, there are provisions in different hospitals for economically weaker sections.

Q: Is there any chance of a patient having to go for knee replacement again?
if any infection happens or the surgery has not been done in the correct manner then we have to go for repeat surgery again.

Q: Your message for rich orthopedic health?

The message is that for rich orthopedic health, we need a calcium-rich diet. A balanced diet, along with good exposure to sunlight, is key to good orthopedic health. We should also do regular exercise.