BJP Urges Enthusiastic Participation in CampaignsKavinder Gupta’s Call to Party Cadre

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BuzzBytes JAMMU 19 Jan: In a recent address during the wall writing campaign in Gandhi Nagar Constituency, senior BJP leader and former Deputy Chief Minister, Kavinder Gupta, urged party cadre to participate in all campaigns with exuberance. He emphasized the need for enthusiastic involvement to ensure the success of programs devised by the high command.Gupta specifically called for an elevated wall writing campaign, urging party workers to prominently display at least five lotus symbols in each block of Gandhi Nagar Constituency. Emphasizing the strategic importance of this initiative, he stressed the message’s wide resonance across the constituency, reaching every citizen.Highlighting the critical role of citizen awareness, Gupta underscored the pivotal support for BJP during the upcoming Lok Sabha and Assembly polls in Jammu and Kashmir, crucial for the country’s progress.Expressing the gravity of the situation, Gupta articulated the party’s demand for unwavering commitment from every worker, urging unparalleled zeal in accomplishing targets set by the High Command. He emphasized the significance of grassroots activists as true ambassadors, whose groundwork plays a decisive role in determining the fate of the party and the nation.At this pivotal juncture, Gupta asserted that the BJP cannot afford complacency, particularly from grassroots activists. He urged active participation in various campaigns envisioned by the party leadership, emphasizing each member’s contribution to the party’s mission.Notable participants in the wall writing campaign included Rekha Mahajan (District President), Vinay Gupta, Rahul Kumar, Satvir Singh, Ritika Trehan, Narinder Koki, Bharat Bhushan, Vijay Verma, Rohin Chandan, Karuna Khetri, Sunny Sangotra, Munish Adhikari, Lovisha Gupta, Rikki Gupta, Sunil Jain, Satish Bindroo, Sandeep Gupta, and Varun Sharma.

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