DGP Swain’s Digital Crackdown

BB Desk
BB Desk

8000 Fake Handles Exposed, Unmasking Global Narco-Terror Network!

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Shubham Kotwal Jammu, Dec 30:

In a groundbreaking revelation, Director General of Police (DGP) RR Swain disclosed a comprehensive operation targeting 8000 fake social media handles, uncovering a web of deception aiming to incite trouble and glorify terrorism. The battle, as outlined by DGP Swain, extends beyond confronting armed terrorists to combating the false narrative propagated through platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

“Our battle is not against terrorists only but against the narrative spread by 8000 fake social media handles. They aim to incite trouble and glorify terrorism, peddling misinformation. We are taking legal action under the IT Act 61, and if necessary, we will pursue them through Interpol,” stated DGP Swain, emphasizing the commitment to differentiate between genuine and non-genuine actors.

Narco-Terror Nexus Exposed Globally: DGP Swain unveiled far-reaching links between narco-terrorism, separatism, and terrorism, a nexus decisively identified in 2022. Anticipating a pivotal year ahead, he declared, “The year 2024 will witness a decisive battle against narco-terror.” The investigation revealed narco-terror links spanning Kashmir, Jammu, Punjab, and Delhi, with international connections traced to Paris, Canada, and Turkey. The mastermind of a recent narco-terror module in Ramban was traced back to Turkey.

Cyber Crime Underreported: DGP Swain acknowledged the escalating threat of cybercrime, highlighting its underreporting and broader impact on unsuspecting victims. “A lot more needs to be done to prevent cybercrimes,” he asserted, revealing ongoing efforts to upgrade the system. Importantly, substantial amounts defrauded through internet and digital world frauds were successfully traced and returned to affected individuals.

As the J&K Police intensifies its multifaceted battle against terrorism, misinformation, and cyber threats, the revelations by DGP Swain underscore the evolving challenges in the digital age, necessitating a concerted global effort to counter these threats effectively.