BuzzBytes New Delhi 24/01/24:Chairperson J&K Waqaf Board, Dr. Darakshah Andrabi, expressed her exhilaration upon receiving the prestigious ‘Best Performing Minister Gold Award’ in New Delhi. In her gratitude-filled post, Dr. Andrabi thanked the jury for recognizing her contributions and selecting her for this esteemed accolade.”I am truly thrilled to receive the ‘Best Performing Minister Gold Award’ at New Delhi today,” Dr. Andrabi stated, acknowledging the significance of the honor. She emphasized her unwavering commitment to serving humanity, stating that her work has consistently been guided by a singular agenda – the betterment of society.”I have always worked with the sole agenda of service for humanity, and I will always remain dedicated to the cause of the people and the country at large,” Dr. Andrabi affirmed. Her words underscore a commitment to the well-being of both individuals and the nation, reflecting a deep sense of responsibility.Expressing gratitude to her supporters, Dr. Andrabi stated, “I thank every well-wisher of mine for supporting and encouraging me.” This acknowledgment reflects the humility and appreciation Dr. Andrabi holds for those who have stood by her, recognizing their role in her journey of service and dedication.The ‘Best Performing Minister Gold Award’ stands as a testament to Dr. Darakshah Andrabi’s exemplary contributions and dedication to public service. As she continues to champion the cause of the people, her recognition in New Delhi marks a significant milestone in her illustrious career.