
BB Desk
BB Desk

Hajin 21-02-2024:Power Development Department Employee’s Heroic Efforts Ensure Timely Electricity Restoration at CHC Hajin.In a compelling narrative of unwavering determination and selflessness, Fayaz Ahmad Wagay, a daily wager from Hakbara village in Hajin, Kashmir, employed in the Power Development Department (PDD), has emerged as a local hero. Despite challenging weather conditions, Dar’s relentless commitment to duty became evident as he worked tirelessly to restore electricity at the critical Community Health Centre (CHC) in Hajin.Late at night, an unexpected electricity snag plunged CHC Hajin into darkness, raising concerns for the uninterrupted power supply vital to the center. Fayaz Ahmad Wagay’s dedication shone through as he, against all odds, arrived at around 11:30 pm to successfully restore electricity, earning sincere appreciation from his colleagues.Dar, in an interview, highlighted the challenges faced by PDD employees during harsh winters, emphasizing the lack of proper safety gear. Climbing atop electricity poles without hesitation, he underlined the often-overlooked hardships endured by individuals in similar roles.Collaborating with supportive colleagues like Fayaz Ahmad (Junior), Javid Ahmad, Ghulam Hassan, and others, Dar ensures the illumination of Hajin, irrespective of weather conditions. He expressed a commitment to addressing issues promptly at hospitals and government institutes, maintaining a focus on smooth operations.Fayaz Ahmad’s tireless dedication resonated deeply within the local community, serving as an exemplary commitment to service.

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His valiant act, a symbol of hope and resilience, has garnered widespread gratitude and appreciation from the residents of Hajin. His story stands as a testament to the unsung heroes ensuring the smooth functioning of vital services and serves as an inspiration for selflessness and dedication in community service.