Fueling Safety

BB Desk
BB Desk

Urgent Calls for Responsible Petrol Practices in Kashmir.

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Dr Noour Ali zehgeer

 A Call for Immediate Action

In Jammu and Kashmir Union Territory it should be a normal procedure that pump owners should never sell a petrol or a diesel in a can or a bottle reason being we are in a zone where there has been unrest for last 35 years and carrying a petrol or a diesel in a can or Bottle invite lot of adversities in terms of safety and security. This should have been taken care of even when yesterday’s petrol crisis erupted in the valley. The commissioner should give strict instructions to petrol pump owners that fuel cannot be stored in bottle or jerry cans in whatever way for whatever reasons. The irony is even the people of Kashmir do not understand and ignore to take precautions while carrying the flammable items with them carrying a petrol is as good as carrying a dynamite or carrying anything which is inflammable and explosive material in nature. The authorities should take care of this and t there should be a communication nicely drafted by the authorities to all petrol pump owners so that this can be avoided in future, thus resulting in ensuring the safety and security of the Citizens and the assets in the valley. The situations are not as normal as in other parts of India so we have to be responsible enough while buying this kind of a products and authorities need to be very attentive and in a monitoring mode that nothing is violated while buying fuel from the stations. The private Kerosine depo or a shopkeeper who are selling gas Cylinders and filling it in a very unusual way should also be stopped because even that is going to cause a huge loss in terms of precious lives as well as fixed assets. In recent times we have seen shopkeeper selling gasolines who are not authorized to sell even that is very dangerous and illegal.

 The recent incidents involving the open sale of petrol in Kashmir have raised significant concerns, demanding urgent attention and corrective action. The implications of mishandling such a volatile substance are far-reaching, potentially leading to devastating consequences for both individuals and the broader community.

It is essential to underscore the critical role that petrol pump owners and staff play in ensuring public safety. Their primary responsibility extends beyond mere transactional exchanges; they must adhere to stringent safety guidelines to prevent accidents. Selling petrol in open containers represents a blatant disregard for these norms, jeopardizing public safety and infrastructure. Such negligence cannot be excused or overlooked.

The district administrations’ initiatives, such as installing CCTV surveillance to monitor petrol sales to two-wheeler riders without helmets, are commendable. However, these efforts seem incongruent when juxtaposed against the glaring oversight of open container sales. The authorities must prioritize and address this issue with the same vigor, leveraging available resources to identify and penalize violators.

Equally concerning is the pathetic response from segments of the Kashmiri community, as evidenced by the proliferation of memes trivializing this critical safety concern. Such behavior is not only insensitive but also undermines collective efforts to address the issue effectively. It perpetuates a narrative that trivializes safety protocols and fosters a culture of complacency, which is detrimental to the community’s well-being.

The implications of this lax approach extend beyond immediate safety concerns; they reflect broader societal values and priorities. In a region as sensitive as Kashmir, where external factors compound internal challenges, maintaining strict safety standards is imperative. Failure to do so not only jeopardize individual lives but also undermines the collective resilience and integrity of the community.

In summary, the open sale of petrol in Kashmir represents a severe safety lapse that demands immediate rectification. Petrol pump owners and staff must uphold their responsibilities, district administrations must enforce regulations rigorously, and the community must demonstrate greater awareness and accountability. Addressing this issue collectively is not merely a matter of compliance but a testament to our commitment to safeguarding lives and preserving the region’s reputation and stability.