JKPYC VP Shabnam Khan Applauds Vikar Wani’s People-Centric Leadership

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BB Desk

Baramulla, Jan 23:JKPCC President Vikar Rasool Wani receives accolades as a prominent voice for the people of Jammu and Kashmir, acknowledged by JKPYC Vice President Baramulla, Shabnam Khan. In an exclusive statement, Khan lauds Wani’s consistent advocacy for the rights and concerns of the region’s residents, especially those in economically weaker sections.Shabnam Khan, respected JKPYC Vice President Baramulla, emphasizes Wani’s role in amplifying the voices of J&K residents. She commends his dedication to addressing issues faced by the region, particularly focusing on economically disadvantaged segments. Khan highlights Wani’s emergence as a significant figure genuinely understanding and representing the sentiments of the people.Wani’s tireless efforts towards improving socio-economic conditions in Jammu and Kashmir gain recognition. Shabnam Khan applauds his initiatives aimed at uplifting the poor and downtrodden, aligning with core values of social justice. As the President of JKPCC, Wani’s commitment to bridging gaps and addressing challenges in J&K positions him as a pivotal leader.Shabnam Khan’s acknowledgment underscores the significance of Wani’s leadership in navigating the socio-political landscape of the region. Wani’s recognition as the voice of Jammu and Kashmir reflects his leadership qualities and genuine commitment to citizens’ well-being, particularly the marginalized. Wani’s efforts indicate a leader leading with empathy and dedication, envisioning a prosperous and inclusive future for the region

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