Jammu, 06 Fab 2024:-Kavinder Gupta, former Deputy Chief Minister, and Ranbir Singh Pathania, former MLA & J&K BJP Spokesperson, facilitated a grievance redressal session at the BJP headquarters in Jammu. The session saw the representation of various deputations, including All VRS/retired J&K SRTC Employees, addressing concerns related to the Grant of COLA, DA, and Arrears of the 6th Pay Commission.The SRTC Employees, led by Dav Raj Bali, highlighted the critical significance of timely disbursal of essential allowances and arrears. Bali emphasized the financial strain faced by employees and urged authorities to fulfill commitments promptly. The demand reflects the collective sentiment of SRTC employees seeking fair treatment and recognition for their contributions to the state’s public transport system.A deputation of NYCs, led by Ishfaq & Arjun Sharma, advocated for a comprehensive regularization policy and honorarium enhancement. The session also addressed general issues, including developmental works in Reasi, permission cases in Greater Kailash area of Jammu, compassionate appointments, ex-gratia to accident victims, relief to cross-firing victims, drinking water, building permissions, staff shortage, proper voltage electricity, and NABARD roads. Multiple deputations visited the BJP office, presenting references and making telephone calls to concerned officials.The representatives stressed the need for immediate action to resolve ongoing issues, ensuring the welfare and morale of the workforce. The J&K SRTC employees and NYCs remain steadfast in their pursuit of justice and fairness, anticipating a positive response from the relevant authorities to alleviate financial hardships and uphold their rights.