Koshur : Our BELOVED mother tongue Fearing extinction since there are so few speakers of it in our societies

BB Desk
BB Desk

Umar Farooq Bhat

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With the impact of westernization and English language we witness influence on us to a tremendous degree out 10 words we say 8 words in English. Be it a call where we start with hi and end with goodbye. Same thing we do in actual gathering while meeting each other eye to eye. We see that one feels obsolete, some way or another timid or embarrassed to talk in their local language.As of late I was at some barbershop. I discovered some youngster is perched on a seat and stylist was dressing his hair and his dad was giving him directions in English language rather than Kashmiri language. He was requesting that he sit appropriately, don’t look to a great extent. He was by all accounts a decade old.

His dad appeared to be exceptionally instructed individual presumably was doing support some place. I felt upset to see him talking in English to his child. I let him know sir I was cautiously watching your discussion. Wasn’t it great that we support our youngsters in Kashmiri language so they foster a friendship for it. Same thing I found occurring in be it market, public vehicle, recreational area all over the place. Words are shared with youngsters as “descend from vehicle”, “clean your nose”, “wash your mouth”, “tie your shoestring” and so forth. It appears individuals have some private enmity with kashmiri language. We arrange courses, online classes, programs in schools, schools and colleges to safeguard the Kashmiri culture. We likewise see these days things having a place with Kashmiri culture are exhibited on stages which incorporates Shup, Kangir, Tumaknaer, Waguv and so on. It is very obvious work that things having a place with our wonderful past are paid respect. It ought to likewise remember that our kashmiri language is likewise a piece of our way of life. Infact a spine of our way of life. After the 5 minutes play in front of an audience in a kashmiri dress and Kashmiri language individuals again re-establish to stew themselves in westernization. Our methodology towards our language is of a stage mother, it is excessively horrible. In the event that we didn’t made a propensity for communicating in our local language in our regular routines I’m certain in impending decade it might need to endure elimination like different dialects. We have the put down accounts of old civic establishments like Indus valley, Sumerian, Babylonian, Egyptian and so on which is tracked down in overflow. The issue is we miss the mark on speakers who might make us to comprehend what the language composed on walls, rocks, landmarks and so forth discusses. As of late somebody kicked the bucket who was the last speaker of his language and furthermore the last individual of his clan. He was living in Amazon rainforest Brazil. His name was Aura. Like Aura we would rather not be last speakers of our language. We need to put forth attempts to safeguard it. We have kashmiri writing in overflow in libraries of schools, universities and colleges. Crafted by the trailblazers of Kashmiri writing like Abdul Ahad Azad, Dina Nath Nadim, Rahman Rahi, Prof Marghoob Banihali, Peerzada Ghulam Ahmad Mehjoor and so forth. The issue with us is we don’t have the foggiest idea how to understand them. We can’t go to the profundity and feel their maxims with heart. Around 1500 worldwide dialects are going to confront eradication. I don’t maintain that kashmiri language should confront same destiny. Saying “Be Chus Kashur” (I’m Kashmiri) isn’t sufficient. We should likewise known how to talk in Kashmiri, read and figure out it and furthermore put forth attempts to compose it with the goal that we can convey it forward and energy it to impending ages. There are multiple ways by which we can impact individuals towards their local language particularly the informed youth which are as:-

Gamification: Drawing in them in games like asking them importance of Kashmiri expressions “Prechh” which we used to appreciate in our life as a youngster. We used to feel eager to figure out the significance of them by applying all our psychological power. Today we have cell phones in hands we can welcome individuals to mess around with by getting some information about names of things having a place with Kashmir culture and superb past. Kashmiri language is such a wonderful language that in the event that anybody falls head over heels for it without a moment’s delay the person would continue to cherish it until the end of time. I could notice it from some Belgian woman who made a video in which she is seen singing the Kashmiri tune “Bram Dith Waej Nas Navey” which is composed by popular kashmiri writer Mahmoud Gami. Her video went much popular. Many showered love and many communicated their analysis. Some said she isn’t knowing how to unadulterated kashmiri words appropriately and makes number of mistakes. I said we can’t articulate that much words in any event, being kashmiri individuals nor we can make sense of what is she talking about in tune. We don’t have a clue about the implications of words involved by her in melody. For what reason to fault her for anything? We ought to see the value in her rather that she expressed it without utilizing any script or backing from anybody. The adoration for kashmiri language and culture was obviously reflecting from her eyes.

Publishing content to a blog:- it is one of the most mind-blowing way by which we can advance our kashmiri language on web by composing sites in which we can discuss things having a place with our kashmiri culture. On the off chance that one can’t compose a blog or feels any sort of issue in doing so due to having no data about it. The person can without much of a stretch use Facebook for a similar reason. Data on Facebook can be partaken in more straightforward manner. There are many pages imparting the data to individuals and are resolved to improve kashmiri language and impact individuals towards it. Sangarmaal is one of the most excellent Kashmiri language models. It is a top-tier newspaper that is available both online and offline.

Rising Kashmir is doing a good work which is brilliantly managing it and updating people in Kashmiri language who are pleased and delighted to read it. Making textual styles to communicate thoughts:- As a rule we see on papers and furthermore on Facebook that how illustrators like Bashir Ahmad Bashir express the social issues as figures and use textual styles with them. We don’t simply just get to gain something from them however they additionally engage us and cause us to feel the flavor of our language.

Vlogging:- it is emerging as one of the helpful way to promote kashmiri language our mother in modern times. There are many vloggers on Facebook and YouTube who promote kashmiri language with full zest and dedication. They are Muneer speaks and Kashur Praw who beautifully presented information related to places and things to people and also promote kashmiri culture. Owais Tariq’s Kashur Kalam is quickly becoming one of the most popular Facebook pages for learning about Kashmiri culture and language. It is a forum where he informs others about subjects they do not know in an understandable and straightforward manner.Nukkad Nataks, stage plays and Ladi Shah:- we almost every day get to see different schools, colleges and cultural organisations organise programs like Nukkad Nataks, Ladi Shah or make participants to perform on stage who throw a light on different social social issues and also suggest solutions. Angel’s cultural academy is one of the well known organisation which organise such fruitful programs at different schools and colleges of Kashmir whose aim is to revive the Kashmiri culture and don’t loose the count of Kashmiri language speakers. The president of Angel’s cultural academy Mr Tariq Ahmad Shera is always at the forefront of the promotion of the Kashmiri culture.