Preserving Kashmir’s Icon: Planting 1,25,000 Trees to Safeguard the Hangul Populatio

Iqbal Ahmad
Iqbal Ahmad

Nestled in the breathtaking landscapes of Kashmir, where nature’s splendor harmonizes with the region’s distinctive biodiversity, a transformative initiative is unfolding to safeguard the endangered Hangul, a subspecies of the Central Asian red deer. As the far-reaching consequences of climate change echo through the Valley, posing a threat not only to the environment but also to the existence of unique wildlife, has taken a proactive stance. This visionary endeavor seeks to plant over 1,25,000 trees of diverse species in the habitat of the Hangul, representing a critical intervention to prevent the population from sliding into the abyss of extinction.

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The Urgency of Hangul Conservation

The Hangul, found in the dense riverine forests of the Valley and mountains of Jammu and Kashmir and northern Himachal Pradesh, is facing a grave threat to its survival. Classified as Critically Endangered by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), the Hangul is also placed under Schedule I of the Indian Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972, highlighting the urgent need for conservation efforts. Rising pollution, poaching, habitat fragmentation due to land use, and the overarching impacts of climate change have collectively led to a decline in the Hangul population.

Pradip Shah, Co-Founder at, underscores the severity of the situation, stating, “The initiative is aimed at an urgent intervention to prevent the population from going extinct.” In response to this pressing issue,, a social enterprise actively involved in afforestation projects across the country, has initiated the ‘Trees for Hanguls’ project.

The ‘Trees for Hanguls’ Project

This groundbreaking project is designed to create a lasting and meaningful impact on the Hangul population by focusing on the area around Pampore, in the periphery of the Dachigam National Park. The multifaceted objectives of the project extend beyond the immediate conservation of the Hangul. By strategically planting trees, the initiative aims to restore the Hanguls’ habitat, offering vital ecological benefits such as carbon sequestration, ensuring a sustainable water supply, and providing a healthy source of nutrition for the Hanguls. employs a landscape-level conservation planning model, implementing a strategic mix of coniferous and broadleaf species. Kail (Pinus wallichiana) and Apricot (Prunus armeniaca) are chosen to serve as a valuable food source for the Hanguls. Additionally, Cypress (Cupressus torulosa) and Deodar Cedar (Cedrus deodara) are included to provide ample shade and shelter. The project also features the planting of Apples (Malus pumila/domestica), Pears (Pyrus communis L.), Quince (Cydonia oblonga), and Horse Chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum), contributing not only to biodiversity but also offering various benefits to the villagers residing around the planting site.

Societal Engagement and Eco-Friendly Participation

One of the greatest advantages of the ‘Trees for Hanguls’ project is the inclusive participation it encourages from the public. Individuals can become active contributors to this noble cause by gifting or purchasing a tree for Rs 85 through This unique approach not only raises awareness about the critical need for Hangul conservation but also empowers individuals to be directly involved in the restoration of ecosystems and the protection of endangered species.

Once the trees reach maturity, the ‘Trees for Hanguls’ project is expected to play a pivotal role in enhancing the Hangul habitat and fostering biodiversity within the ecosystem. Shah emphasizes, “Once the trees reach maturity, the project will play a pivotal role in enhancing the Hangul habitat and fostering biodiversity within the ecosystem.”

The Broader Implications

Beyond its immediate impact on Hangul conservation, the ‘Trees for Hanguls’ project holds broader implications for environmental sustainability and the fight against climate change. Studies indicate that human activities, including deforestation and habitat destruction, contribute significantly to the decline in the Hangul population. Planting trees emerges as a proactive measure to counteract these threats, offering a sustainable solution to habitat loss and contributing to the overall well-being of the ecosystem.

Sustainable Development and Local Empowerment

In addition to its ecological benefits, the ‘Trees for Hanguls’ project aligns with broader sustainable development goals and empowers local communities. The choice of tree species, including those bearing fruits like apples and pears, not only contributes to the ecological balance but also offers economic opportunities to the villagers around the planting site. By fostering community engagement in conservation efforts, the project establishes a harmonious relationship between environmental protection and local empowerment.

In conclusion, the ‘Trees for Hanguls’ project stands as a beacon of hope for the Hangul population and the fragile ecosystems of Kashmir. As climate change continues to pose challenges to the region’s biodiversity, proactive initiatives like these play a pivotal role in mitigating the impacts and preserving the rich natural heritage of the Valley. The collective effort of, the public, and local communities reflects a commitment to environmental conservation and sustainable development. By planting trees for Hanguls, we not only safeguard a unique species but also contribute to a healthier and more resilient ecosystem for generations to come.