Jaipur: In a bonanza for farmers ahead of the Lok Sabha polls, the Rajasthan government on Thursday announced an additional annual payout of Rs 2,000 to farmers under the Centre’s flagship scheme PM-KISAN as well as hiked the minimum support price for wheat by Rs 125 to Rs 2,400 per quintal. Presenting the BJP government’s first Budget after the party was voted to power in December last year, Rajasthan Deputy Chief Minister and Finance Minister Diya Kumari accused the previous Congress government of financial mismanagement.In the Budget, she also announced an allocation of Rs 1,000 crore to establish and upgrade schools, colleges, hospitals, and administrative buildings in “deprived” assembly constituencies.Besides, the government will provide free education from “KG to PG” (Kindergarten to Post Graduation) for students from low-income groups, small and marginal farmers, and farm labourers.