Srinagar: School Education Department Thursday ordered that its employees falling in the category of specially abled shall not be given any additional assignment.Director of School Education Kashmir (DSEK) said this in a circular regarding the issues faced by employees with disabilities in the Department of education.“DSEK has received a number of representations from various organizations pleading the cause of specially abled persons stating therein that the employees of this category are put to many tasks in addition to their own duties to which they are not able to do justice,” DSEK said.It also said that many social organizations were advocating that such employees may not be given any additional task which badly affects their actual job profile.“It is enjoined upon all the concerned that the employees of Education Department, who are falling in the category of specially abled may not be given any additional assignment but in case of voluntary consent such assignment may be given to them as per their skill and competency,” DSEK said—(KNO)