Srinagar: The Special Police Officers (SPOs) posted in North Kashmir Range of Jammu and Kashmir Police are demanding regularization under the Home Department circular of 2009. “According to J&K Government Home department communication no. Home/PB-III/62/G/2008 dated 25-09-2009, SPOs who have completed three years of service are entitled to regularization, provided they hold a valid State or National level certificate in any sports field,” a delegation of SPOs of NKR said.“The Range Police Headquarters in Baramulla vide office letter nos. Estt/SPO- Sports/2022/10640-41 Dated:-18-03-2022 & Estt/Reh-38/2022/15263-64 Dated: 21-09-2022 has forwarded the rehabilitation and regularization cases of deserving SPOs to the Additional Director General of Police Armed J&K for conversion as Constables in the department. Yet, these cases have languished for the past three years, exacerbating our plight,” they said.“However, despite the provision, the regularization process has hit a snag since 2020, leaving many of us (SPOs) in limbo as our files remain pending in the office of DIG AP Kashmir (AROK) and ADGP Armed J&K.The delay has caused significant distress among our (SPO) community, especially amidst the current inflationary pressures,” they added.SPOs have urged the authorities, including the DGP J&K R.R Swain, ADGP Armed J&K and DIG AP Kashmir (AROK), to prioritize the matter of regularization and rehabilitation in order to address their long pending demand. (GNS)