,Jammu, January 11In a daring pre-dawn operation aimed at apprehending the notorious alleged bovine smuggler, Lau Gujjar, the Jammu Police launched a comprehensive raid on his residence located in Chack Waziru at 5:30 AM today. The meticulously planned operation witnessed the collaboration of multiple law enforcement agencies, including teams from SDPO RS Pura, SHO Bishnah, SHO Arnia, SHO Miran Sahib, and SHO RS Pura. The operation was conducted under the astute supervision of SP Headquarters, Ramnish Gupta, and also involved the deployment of IRP and SOG units.However, the mission encountered unexpected and aggressive resistance from unidentified individuals who initiated a barrage of stone-pelting directed at the police personnel. Amidst this turmoil, HC Bansi Lal from the IRP suffered injuries, further escalating the tension on the ground. Faced with a volatile situation spiraling out of control, the police were compelled to fire warning shots into the air to disband the agitated crowd and restore order. Regrettably, Lau Gujjar managed to elude capture, taking advantage of the chaotic circumstances to make his escape.In the aftermath of the incident, a heightened state of vigilance has been established, with police contingents, bolstered by senior officers, maintaining a vigilant presence at the Bishnah Police Station. Investigations are actively underway to identify and apprehend those responsible for obstructing the law enforcement operation.The incident underscores the challenges faced by the Jammu Police in their relentless pursuit of individuals involved in illicit activities and highlights the need for enhanced measures to ensure the safety and success of such operations.