The Teachers We Need For The Society We Want

Mool Raj
Mool Raj

The UNESCO theme for World Teachers’ Day 2023 is “The Teachers We Need for the Education We Want”. I believe it is essential to broaden this perspective to encompass “The Teachers We Need for the Society We Want.”Education is intricately connected with society, shaping values, norms, and the needs of its members. Tailoring education to address specific societal needs is crucial. Without understanding the societal context, education risks becoming disconnected from the real-life experiences of individuals, leading to a lack of relevance.In an era dominated by consumerism, where material development often defines success, it’s crucial to recognize that true happiness extends beyond material possessions. Costa Rica, ranked among the top three happiest countries globally, attributes its happiness to renewable resources, a clean environment, strong social bonds, and investment in education. Today’s global crises, such as climate change, international terrorism, and intolerance, stem from prioritizing short-term goals over sustainable long-term objectives.The next generation must be attuned to the common good, natural resources, languages, culture, and values. They need to understand the ripple effects of just and unjust actions. Martin Luther King Jr. aptly said, “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.” Therefore, building a community is a prerequisite to constructing a society, involving breaking down alienation and fostering connectedness and collaboration – essential tenets of global communities.In today’s educational landscape, learning extends beyond the classroom, embracing real and virtual spaces, communities, public areas, organizations, and academic and professional learning communities. The future society may favor experiential learning.In summary, a solid command over the subject matter remains vital. However, in fields evolving rapidly, this knowledge must be accompanied by curiosity and critical thinking. Teacher education programs must cultivate this capacity. A blend of a broad knowledge base, transferable skills, and a strong sense of social justice empowers individuals to fulfill personal goals and contribute to social and economic development.Unchecked individualism and excessive competition underlie many social problems. The next generation of teachers must recognize the importance of languages, culture, human values, collective ownership, and responsible consumption of natural resources. Empathy and a just mindset are imperative.Acknowledging physical and neuro diversity and the importance of diverse ways of thinking and living calls for pedagogies that foster inclusivity and equal opportunities. Commitment to these values should be central to any teacher education program. Comfort with technology and the ability to make critical and informed decisions about its use are essential components of teacher preparation.Education, inherently futuristic, means a teacher today will serve for 25-30 years. The past three decades have seen extraordinary changes in educational settings, technology, human geography, and environmental conditions. Any preparatory program for teachers must equip them with a mindset, approaches to knowledge, and moral reasoning to navigate these changes.In a country grappling with poverty and social inequalities, education must contribute to economic and social development. As an apt but dated quote suggests, “to be liberally educated and prepared to teach are…”In conclusion, we need teachers who can help shape the empathetic, just, and sustainable society we aspire to create. Simply put, we need teachers who can contribute to building a better world.Blurb:-Dive into ‘The Teachers We Need For The Society We Want’ by Mool Raj, a thought-provoking exploration of education’s profound connection to societal values. Raj delves into the evolving role of teachers, urging a shift beyond subject mastery to instill empathy, critical thinking, and social responsibility in students. From Costa Rica’s happiness model to navigating crises, Raj champions a holistic education that goes beyond the classroom. This compelling piece advocates for educators who mold not only informed minds but compassionate citizens, laying the foundation for a just, sustainable, and harmonious society.

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