The Unlikely Game-Changer: Er Rashid’s Impact on Baramulla’s Electoral Battle

BB Desk
BB Desk

Sheen Meem Ishaq

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In the midst of India’s vibrant democratic process, a remarkable story is unfolding in Jammu and Kashmir’s Baramulla constituency. Engineer Sheikh Abdul Rashid, a Kashmiri politician and former Member of the Legislative Assembly (MLA) from the Langate constituency in Handwara, is contesting the Lok Sabha elections from Tihar Jail as an independent candidate. Despite his physical absence, Er Rashid’s influence is palpable, and his party, the Jammu and Kashmir Awami Ittehad Party (AIP), is working tirelessly to secure his victory.

Er Rashid’s political career spans over a decade, having served as an MLA from 2008 to 2018. He is known for his unapologetic and outspoken approach, which has resonated with the youth and earned him a massive following. His party, AIP, is gaining momentum, and recent rallies have seen an unprecedented turnout of over a sizable section of youth in just five days (06-05-2024 to 12-05-2024).

The youth are drawn to Er Rashid’s commitment to their causes, his unwavering critique of the political establishment, and his unrelenting fight for justice and accountability. His campaign has become a rallying cry for those seeking change and tired of the status quo. Despite his incarceration, Er Rashid’s message is spreading like wildfire, and his party is determined to secure his release by winning the elections.

As I personally visited the remote areas, I witnessed the widespread support for Er Rashid. Posters of him were plastered on moving public transport vehicles and shops, a testament to his enduring popularity. I had the opportunity to interact with a few youth, one among them Nisar Ahmad from Boniyar said, “If my vote can get him released from Tihar Jail, I will not only vote for him but also campaign for him.” Shabir from Sree Baramulla echoed similar sentiments, “My vote will go to Er Rashid as he is being punished for crimes he hasn’t committed. My vote is for him only.”

The implications of Er Rashid’s candidacy are far-reaching, with potential to reshape the political narrative in Baramulla and beyond. His campaign has already forced traditional parties to re-examine their stance on issues like governance, corruption, and youth empowerment. As the election unfolds, it will be fascinating to observe how Er Rashid’s message resonates with the electorate and whether his unorthodox approach can translate into tangible political gains.

As sympathy is building in his favor, Er Rashid’s chances of winning are increasing. If his party workers can capitalize on this momentum, he will be the decisive factor in the constituency. It’s worth noting that in the 2019 parliamentary elections, Er Rashid secured an impressive 103,000+ votes, just a few votes lesser than Sajad Lone and 30,000 votes less than the winning candidate from the National Conference then. This time around, the tide seems to be turning in his favor, and his party is leaving no stone unturned to ensure his victory.

The impressive campaign being run by his two Young sons, along with the brain behind the campaign, Mr. Firdous Baba and Kursheed Ahmed, is remarkable. Their style and campaign strategy will be remembered for days to come. The way they have mobilized the youth and generated support for their father’s candidacy is a testament to their dedication and political acumen.

Er Rashid’s decision to contest the Lok Sabha elections from Tihar Jail has electrified the political landscape of Baramulla, injecting a much-needed dose of unpredictability and excitement into the campaign. His party’s tireless efforts have mobilized the youth, and their support is a resounding endorsement of Er Rashid’s unwavering commitment to their causes. As the election unfolds, it will be intriguing to observe how this unlikely game-changer impacts the outcome and the future of politics in Jammu and Kashmir.