Pattan, January 22: In a devastating overnight incident, a 25-year-old youth, Adil Ahmad, lost his life in a fire mishap that occurred in the Khambiyar-Hyderbeigh Pattan area of Baramulla district in north Kashmir. The incident also resulted in the destruction of two residential houses.The fire reportedly originated in the residence of late Mohammad Ramzan Dar and quickly spread to adjacent houses. Local residents, upon noticing the flames, promptly alerted the fire and emergency department.Firefighters and police rushed to the scene, successfully extinguishing the fire. Unfortunately, Adil Ahmad, who was sleeping on the first floor of the affected house, succumbed to the flames.Preliminary investigations point towards a potential short circuit in an electric blanket as the cause of the fire. The body of the deceased, Adil Ahmad, was severely burned and has been shifted to GMC Baramulla.A police officer confirmed that a case has been registered, and further investigations are underway to determine the exact circumstances leading to this tragic incident. Our heartfelt condolences go out to the family and friends of Adil Ahmad during this difficult time.