Srinagar, Jan 12 – In a significant breakthrough, the Crime Branch Jammu has successfully apprehended an absconder, Kulranjan Sharma, who had been evading arrest for a span of four years. A statement released by the Crime Branch Jammu confirmed that a specialized team from the Economic Offences Wing managed to capture Sharma from the outskirts of Jammu. The arrest comes in the wake of a longstanding case, FIR No 39/2020, filed against him under various sections including 420, 465, 468, 471, and 120-B of the Ranbir Penal Code. Sharma, along with two other co-accused, Kulbir Singh from Bhau R S Pura Jammu and Narotam Singh from Marjali Kangril Jammu, was implicated in a complex criminal conspiracy. The trio allegedly duped a complainant of a sum amounting to Rs 23.5 lakh by deceitfully securing a bank loan on the pretext of selling a JCB.Further investigations have revealed that Sharma was not a first-time offender. He had a record of involvement in multiple cases, including Case FIR No 33/2019 of Police Station Crime Branch Jammu and Case FIR No 32/2017 of Police Station Janipur. The arrest underscores the relentless efforts of the Crime Branch Jammu in ensuring that habitual offenders are brought to justice, safeguarding the interests of the public and upholding the rule of law.