AIUDF Chief Badruddin Ajmal Asserts BJP’s Dependence on Muslim Votes for Electoral Success

Masroor Qayoom
Masroor Qayoom

Goalpara, January 10, 2024 – Badruddin Ajmal, the president of the All India United Democratic Front (AIUDF), made a significant claim asserting the Bharatiya Janata Party’s (BJP) reliance on Muslim votes to secure victory in the upcoming Lok Sabha elections and subsequently form the government.Speaking at a press conference in Goalpara, Ajmal, accompanied by party leaders, highlighted statements purportedly made by prominent figures including Union Minister Giriraj Singh, Prime Minister Narendra Modi, and RSS Chief Mohan Bhagwat. “Senior figures have expressed that engaging with Muslim communities, visiting mosques and madrasas, and securing at least 10% of the Muslim votes is imperative for the BJP’s electoral success,” Ajmal stated.Emphasizing the potential influence of Muslim voters in shaping the electoral landscape, Ajmal conveyed a welcoming stance towards collaboration while referencing an ANI report. “If Muslims align with their objectives, their participation would be embraced,” the Lok Sabha MP remarked.Ajmal’s assertions shed light on the intricate dynamics of electoral politics, indicating a strategic approach by parties to garner support across diverse demographics, particularly emphasizing the perceived significance of Muslim votes in determining electoral outcomes.

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