Div Com Kashmir Advocates Comprehensive Transport Plan for City

BB Desk
BB Desk

Srinagar, Feb 15 (BuzzBytes): Divisional Commissioner (Div Com) Kashmir, Vijay Kumar Bidhuri, has directed officers from Smart City, SRTC, RTO Kashmir, and private transporters to develop a comprehensive plan for the city. The aim is to facilitate the general public by creating a timetable that ensures buses are available on time at bus stops.The directive was issued during a meeting convened to address the demands, issues, and grievances of transporters in Kashmir. The meeting included CEO Smart City Limited/VC SDA/ Commissioner SMC, Dr Owais Ahmad; MD SRTC; RTO Kashmir; SSP Traffic City; SSP Rural, and representatives of various transport associations.Div Com urged transporters to upgrade their services, collaborate with officers from Smart City, SRTC, and RTO Kashmir, and ensure their vehicles operate until late evening on all routes.Transporters highlighted their grievances during the meeting, including the need for a comprehensive Transport Policy for the UT and the regulation of unregistered service providers. They also requested a policy for E-Rickshaw Autos.Div Com instructed RTO Kashmir to take the lead in developing a detailed plan and timetable in consultation with other stakeholders. He emphasized the importance of passengers being aware of the arrival and departure times of buses at any city stop.Additionally, Div Com encouraged private transporters to participate in water transportation, which could help minimize traffic congestion in the city.

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