Matter of Concern

BB Desk
BB Desk

The state of roads in Srinagar, the summer capital of Jammu and Kashmir, has long been a matter of concern for residents and visitors alike. The city, known for its picturesque beauty, is marred by damaged and pothole-ridden roads, which not only pose a risk to commuters but also reflect poorly on the administration’s efforts in maintaining basic infrastructure. The problem of damaged roads is particularly acute after the harsh winter months, when snow and ice take a toll on the already fragile road surfaces.

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The recent winters have been particularly harsh, exacerbating the condition of roads across the city. One of the most affected areas is the historic Lal Chowk, a bustling commercial hub that sees heavy traffic throughout the day. The roads here are riddled with potholes, making travel a bumpy and uncomfortable experience for motorists and pedestrians alike. The situation is not much better in other parts of the city, with many residential areas also suffering from poor road conditions. The impact of these damaged roads is not limited to inconvenience alone. They also pose a serious risk to public safety. Accidents are not uncommon, especially during the rainy season when potholes are filled with water, making them difficult to spot. Pedestrians, too, are at risk, as the uneven surfaces can easily cause trips and falls. The state of the roads is also a reflection of the larger issues facing the city’s infrastructure. Drainage systems are often inadequate, leading to waterlogging during rains and further damage to the roads. The lack of proper maintenance and repair work only adds to the problem, as temporary fixes often fail to withstand the rigors of daily traffic. It is imperative that the authorities take immediate action to address the issue of damaged roads in Srinagar. Proper maintenance and repair work should be carried out on a regular basis to ensure the safety and convenience of the city’s residents. Additionally, long-term solutions, such as upgrading drainage systems and using durable materials for road construction, should be explored to prevent the recurrence of such problems in the future. In conclusion, the state of roads in Srinagar is a pressing issue that needs urgent attention. The authorities must prioritize the repair and maintenance of roads to ensure the safety and well-being of the city’s residents. Only then can Srinagar reclaim its status as a beautiful and well-maintained city that is a joy to live in and visit.