BuzzBytes Jammu 05/02:In a simple yet significant program at the party headquarters, notable members of the Kashmiri Pandit community joined the BJP in the presence of General Secretary (Organization) Ashok Koul, Former Minister Priya Sethi, BJP Secretary Veenu Khanna, Spokesperson Girdhari Lal Raina, Mahila Morcha President Sanjita Dogra, Joining Committee Member Neha Mahajan, and other leaders. They were welcomed with party Patkas and assisted in registering as party members through online mode.The new entrants include Dr. Manorama Bakshi, a social development professional and Vice-President of All India Kashmiri Samaaj; Sunil Kumar Sher, a retired Technical Officer in R&B (PWD); Ishant Hangloo, a business entrepreneur in the IT sector, and Veerji Thaploo, a social activist.Ashok Koul, in his welcoming address, stated that the BJP is conducting a nationwide campaign to persuade prominent individuals from various communities and fields to join the party, witnessing substantial additions daily. He emphasized that the BJP values individuals who have excelled in different fields, as they can contribute to creating a positive narrative in favor of the party.Koul highlighted the remarkable work done by the BJP government under Prime Minister Narendra Modi in the last decade, reaching every section and region with its schemes. He mentioned that people are motivated by Modi’s governance model, leading them to join the BJP.Girdhari Lal Raina expressed that the BJP has become the first choice for people across the Union Territory of Jammu & Kashmir and other parts of the country. He confidently predicted a massive victory for the party in the 2024 Lok Sabha Polls.The joining of these Kashmiri Pandit community members was facilitated by Anil Dhar, Incharge Joining Committee Kashmir Displaced District (KDD). Seh-Prabhari KDD Hira Lal Bhat, KDD General Secretary Harish Krishan Razdan, and others were also present at the occasion.