BJP Leader Kavinder Gupta Slams Farooq Abdullah’s Call for Dialogue with Pakistan

BB Desk
BB Desk

BuzzBytes Jammu, Dec 26: In a scathing critique, senior BJP leader Kavinder Gupta has dismissed Dr. Farooq Abdullah’s advocacy for dialogue with Pakistan as “utter nonsensical,” citing the incongruity of terrorism and dialogue coexisting. Gupta contends that Pakistan’s historical reluctance to establish peaceful ties, coupled with its alleged support for terrorism, makes dialogue impractical.

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Gupta rebuked Abdullah for warning that without dialogue, Jammu and Kashmir could transform into Gaza, asserting that such statements could potentially incite unrest. Despite acknowledging ongoing challenges like targeted killings, Gupta emphasized the current normalcy in J&K, highlighting the absence of stone-pelting or daily disruptions.

The BJP leader criticized Abdullah’s prediction of Nawaz Sharief’s return to power in Pakistan, labeling it as ironic and highlighting the unpredictable nature of Pakistani politics. Gupta urged a focus on dismantling forces supporting terrorism in Pakistan rather than engaging in dialogue.

Concluding, Gupta expressed confidence in the Modi-led government’s ability to handle neighboring challenges, asserting that prudent strategies, not “foolish suggestions,” are required in dealing with rogue nations.