Cultural Extravaganza Enchants Tourists at Kongdoori, Gulmarg

BB Desk
BB Desk

BuzzBytes Gulmarg, December 7, 2023:

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The Directorate of Tourism, Kashmir, in collaboration with J&K Cable Car Corporation, orchestrated a captivating cultural event at Kongdoori, marking the culmination of the first phase of Gulmarg Gondola. Enthusiastic tourists joined local artists in soulful musical performances, showcasing a fusion of Bollywood and classic numbers.

The event, attended by Director of Tourism, Kashmir/Managing Director of J&K Cable Car Corporation, Raja Yaqoob Farooq, along with tourism and cable car officials, witnessed a vibrant mix of dance and song from visitors. Raja Yaqoob expressed the department’s commitment to enriching tourists’ experiences with diverse cultural, culinary, leisure, and adventure activities, aiming to create memorable stays and encourage repeat visits to Kashmir.

As winter approaches, the Tourism Department plans a series of cultural events and adventurous snow-related activities in the coming days, promising an immersive and joyous experience for all visitors.