Rajouri is witnessing intensified security operations following a vigilant student’s report of four suspicious individuals in the Muradpur area. Security forces swiftly launched an anti-terror sweep, focusing on Muradpur, Bathuni, Afla, and adjacent regions based on the student’s information.
A senior official from the Jammu and Kashmir Police confirmed that the suspects, one dressed in a camouflage uniform, were reportedly carrying bags. The urgency of the situation is compounded by a previous incident in December 2022 when a similar area experienced suspicious activity, culminating in a tragic attack that claimed the lives of two civilians, as reported by the Indian Army.
The historical context reveals that the suspects targeted the same region in December, leading to a subsequent deadly attack in Dhangri, where seven Hindu lives were lost as terrorists checked their ID cards in Rajouri.
Adding to the recent developments, a parallel incident unfolded in Pidi village, Kotranka. Suspects approached the gate of a village defense committee member, prompting the vigilant member to open fire, causing the suspects to flee.
This proactive stance by security forces highlights the commitment to ensuring the safety and security of the region. The collaborative efforts of joint forces underscore the dedication to promptly addressing potential threats and maintaining peace in the area.