FaisalKhankashi is a prominent name when it comes to the houseboat industry , besides being an eminent socio political activist.
In an exclusive interview with the Heaven Mail, FaisalKhankashi talks to Rameez Makhdoomi.
A bit about your early days ?
Since beginning right from my school days I am thoroughly involved in social work , whether it was voluntary for NGOs or community service like masjid intezamiya , youth welfare forums , sports development forums etc
In my college days I was integral part of social programmes , student unions , blood donation camps etc .
And after joining my bussniess played a vital role in organising and supporting sports , entertainment programmes thought out the valley.
Being a member of houseboat owners association I always stood up for the cause & try to solve , and address the day to day problems pertaining to the industry.
I have Organised some drug awareness football tournaments in order to get our youth out of this manace
Now I strongly believe that my individual efforts can bring some difference but a change is always brought by the masses .
So looking for an opportunity to join a organisation, where we share same ideology & where we can deliver collectively towards the betterment of the entire Jammu and Kashmir.
Your take on problems faced by Houseboat industry in Kashmir?
Houseboat industry is on death bed due to the step motherly approach. We need cedar wood for small and big repairs but sadly the recent order is a total disappointment, in 6 years we will just get 15 Cubic Feet of timber, while as minimum requirement for small repairs will be approx. 80 CFts every 2 years. Then Tourism has been declared a Industry but no Industry benefits are extended like (24 hour Electricity with Industry Fixed rate per unit etc). Reconstruction permission, renewal of tourism registration are few to mention.
What is the cause of frequent fire incidents in houseboats in Kashmir?
If I am not wrong the frequent fire incidents are due to high voltage during nights. Sometime when the supply is back, it comes with very high voltage, so electricity department needs to augment and audit their supple chain.
Your take on allegations of pollution spreading on houseboats ?
Problem are engineered for Houseboat Industry, as per study of University of Roorkee when the houseboat will have 100% business then the pollution contribution will be Less than 3% but unfortunately for departments as well as for our competitors we have become the scape goat. All the departments do not address the 97% problem but blame to save their own skin. The drains are flowing into the twin lakes without any treatment 24×7 and 365 days, while as tourism business is not that. Moreover, the lake saw the worst time since 1990 to 1999 when there was no business in houseboats, then the question arises where from did the houseboat contribute to lake pollution. The actual pollution comes from settlements around the lakes and even far off places which are flushing their drains into lakes directly. For example the drain at Gasoo – Batpora go directly into the lake, so a place which is 5 kms away from lakes flushes its pollution also in lake.
How do you see current tourism boom of Kashmir ?
If you see the 100% rush for houseboats was for less than 1 month. Even all the times rooms were available every day, it was because of closure of International boarders and delay in visa’s, from July the business has come down drastically, the figures claimed by Government is debatable and the figures claimed by them needs to be understood. The way they have counted the tourists is a mystery.
How do you see ban on repair of houseboats in Kashmir?
It is more of fear psychosis of competitors, if houseboats are given rebuilding / reconstruction permission they will be equal to any 4 star or 5 star deluxe accommodation. The ban is politically motivated than actual facts.
Your ambitions in politics ?
I want to work & strive for the betterment of the people of our state , despite of their caste creed , colour , region , religion.
I want to adress the dying aspirations of our youth specially for under privileges sector of our state .
So my ambition is to unconditionally render myself for the betterment of our society , state & my loved nation.
Your take on Houseboat policy of govt ?
It needs to be relooked into and the recommendation made by Houseboat Owners Association needs to incorporated.