Jammu and Kashmir Police Seize 7000 Banned Drugs Tablets in Rajouri; Apprehend Notorious Drug Peddler

Masroor Qayoom
Masroor Qayoom

Rajouri, 16January :In a significant crackdown on illegal drug activities, the Jammu and Kashmir Police (JKP) in District Rajouri successfully recovered 7000 banned drugs tablets from a notorious drug peddler.The operation, led by the vigilant law enforcement officers, unfolded as they received crucial intelligence regarding the illicit drug trade in the region. Acting promptly, the JKP executed a raid resulting in the apprehension of a notorious drug peddler responsible for the distribution of banned substances.The seized contraband, consisting of 7000 banned drugs tablets, reflects the commitment of the Jammu and Kashmir Police to combat the menace of narcotics in the area. The tablets are believed to be part of a larger network contributing to the illegal drug trade, posing a threat to public health and safety. spokesperson for the JKP in District Rajouri, stated, “Our relentless efforts against the drug trade continue. This successful operation is a testament to our commitment to rid our communities of illicit substances. We will not tolerate those who jeopardize the well-being of our citizens.”The arrested individual will face legal consequences in accordance with the relevant laws governing drug offenses. The JKP is working diligently to gather further information that could lead to the identification and apprehension of other individuals involved in the illegal drug trade.This incident underscores the importance of community collaboration and awareness in combating drug-related issues. The Jammu and Kashmir Police urge citizens to remain vigilant and report any suspicious activities that may contribute to the fight against narcotics.As the investigation progresses, the JKP remains steadfast in its commitment to creating a safer and healthier environment for the residents of District Rajouri.

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