Kashmir Valley Unites in Prayer for Divine Relief from Unprecedented Dry Spell

BB Desk
BB Desk

Bilal Ahmad | January 17, 2024In response to an unprecedented absence of snow in the Kashmir Valley, devout worshippers came together to offer ‘Salatul Istisqa,’ a special prayer seeking relief from the prolonged dry weather conditions. Witnesses reported emotional scenes as worshippers faced harsh winter conditions during ‘chila-e-kalan,’ shedding tears while beseeching Almighty Allah for respite from the relentless dry spell.This morning, a significant number of people gathered in the Kangan area of central Kashmir’s Ganderbal district to participate in ‘Nimaz e Istisqa,’ collectively seeking divine intervention to alleviate the unusual weather conditions that have impacted the Valley. The special prayer reflects the deep concern and communal effort to invoke divine mercy, highlighting the spiritual connection within the community as they unite in their plea for relief from the adverse weather conditions.The profound gathering emphasizes the resilience of the community in the face of challenging circumstances, showcasing the collective strength of faith and shared hope for a positive change in the weather. The emotional expressions during the prayer underscore the gravity of the situation, with worshippers earnestly seeking solace and divine intervention for the well-being of the Kashmir Valley

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