Mirwaiz Umar Farooq Extends Warm Ramadan Greetings to Muslim Ummah

Peerzada Masrat Shah
Peerzada Masrat Shah

Buzzbytes, Srinagar, March 11:Mirwaiz-e-Kashmir, Molvi Mohammad Umar Farooq, has conveyed heartfelt greetings to the Muslims of Jammu and Kashmir and the global Ummah on the commencement of the sacred month of Ramadan. In his poignant message, Mirwaiz highlighted the significance of Ramadan as not merely a period of fasting but a deeply spiritual journey that calls upon believers to engage in prayer, reflection, and the profound teachings of the Holy Quran.Mirwaiz emphasized that Ramadan offers a sanctuary of peace and introspection, urging believers to embody the virtues of patience, humility, and generosity. He underscored that this holy month provides an opportunity for spiritual growth and rejuvenation, with the gates of divine mercy and forgiveness opened generously to those with pure intentions.Encouraging believers to deepen their devotion to prayer and connect profoundly with the essence of the Holy Quran, Mirwaiz emphasized the importance of understanding its teachings to embrace love, compassion, and benevolence towards others and oneself.Mirwaiz called for a commitment to personal and communal transformation during Ramadan, fostering a stronger connection with the Creator and each other in a spirit of genuine brotherhood and unity.He reminded believers to be mindful of the less fortunate throughout the month, urging acts of charity, empathy, and care as fundamental expressions of faith.In his prayers, Mirwaiz sought peace, joy, and a deeper connection with the Almighty for all during this holy month. He wished for Ramadan to be a source of immense blessings, profound peace, and significant spiritual advancement for believers and their loved ones.

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