BuzzBytes Jammu, Feb 26: The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) in Jammu & Kashmir, under the leadership of State General Secretary (Organization) Ashok Koul, convened a meeting of the Election Management Department at the party headquarters in Trikuta Nagar, Jammu. During the meeting, discussions were led by Adv. Vibodh Gupta, State General Secretary and former MLC, and Parduman Singh, the department Incharge.Ashok Koul, addressing the gathering, urged party activists associated with election management to focus on newly added polling booths. He emphasized the need for extensive work on new voter lists to categorize and facilitate the voting process. Koul highlighted the importance of youth participation in elections, considering them as the first-time voters in the nation’s election process. He stressed that the involvement of youth is crucial for the nation’s development, urging party activists to approach and encourage new voters to support the BJP for the country’s progress and strengthening.Adv Vibodh Gupta emphasized dedication and responsibility among party activists, urging them to familiarize themselves with the intricate details of tasks related to election management before venturing into the field. Parduman Singh provided updates on the progress made by the election management teams and encouraged them to shift their focus to fieldwork. He urged similar meetings at the district and mandal levels to energize ground-level activists for the upcoming elections.